Distributional considerations during growth toward the golden rule
Stellio Del Campo  1, *@  
1 : EconomiX
CNRS : UMR7235, Université Paris X - Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Bat G 200 avenue de la République 92001 Nanterre CEDEX -  France
* : Corresponding author

In a productive economy, savings made by a generation are expected to benefit more than proportionally to future generations. But how such a sacrifice for growth should be shared among heterogeneous regions? With constant elasticity of substitution specification, I show that there is an unequal ‘burden-sharing' between North and South when the economy grows toward the highest sustainable level of welfare: the golden rule. This depends upon two fundamentals elements: the marginal productivity gap and the inequality aversions. The intragenerational inequality aversion does not impact the final steady state. But the intra and intergenerational inequality aversions impact the dynamic. In particular, the higher the inequality aversions, the more North and South share an equal burden to grow. Unequal treatments do not allow to reverse the higher sacrifice asked to South. This paper leads to the conclusion that transfers from North to South shall be implemented for a sustainable development.

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