Who Sent You? Extreme Voting, Transfers and Bailouts in a Federation
Willem Sas  1, 2@  , Amedeo Piolatto  3@  , Gianmarco Daniele  4@  
1 : University of Stirling  (Economics Division)
2 : Catholic University of Leuven
Oude Markt 13 - bus 5005, 3000 Leuven -  Belgium
3 : Autonomous University of Barcelona
4 : Bocconi University

Lower-level governments often receive federal support through transfers or bailouts. We study how the regional ties of federal politicians can steer this process. We build a two-tier model of government, where regionally-elected federal legislators bargain over federal support aimed at their own constituency. This leads to strategic voting. Federal legislators are strategically elected to watch over the interests of their own region, cushioning shocks to local consumption and driving down borrowing costs. Lower-level legislators anticipate this, which sets the stage for regional over-borrowing. Voters strategically select federal representatives with more extreme positions than the median voter, as long as federal co-funding schemes imply some degree of interregional redistribution. These theoretical predictions are confirmed by our empirical analysis, where we compare the political extremism of representatives elected to the EU Parliament with that of representatives elected to national Parliaments.

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